hi, my name is liam.
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be creative.
*Rags to Riches by Tony Bennet starts playing*
As a child, I always had my head in the clouds, never quite focused enough on the here and now. I found refuge from the banal reality of suburban living in the fantastic and wondrous worlds of fiction and non-reality, mostly video games.
But at the same time I always had a certain left-brainededness to my way of thinking that seemed at odds with my profound disdain for anything to do with what we now refer to as STEM (or really anything that required long hours spent studying).
When I was a freshman at Central Michigan University, I learned about a discipline called Graphic Design and realized almost immediately that this was what I needed to pursue as it allowed me to be both creative and analytical.
Being the product of a culture that largely grew up on the internet, I found that I had a particular affinity for UI/UX design. It was the only kind of design work that both enabled and encouraged seeing the world through other people’s eyes, a notion which continues to fascinate me to no end.
Fast forward a half decade and I ended up graduating from a whole different university in a whole different city (they are less than a 2-hour drive apart) but my passion for design and the people who engage with it remain strong.
So to whomever is reading this, I say thanks for taking the time to look over my silly little designs on my silly little website.